I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this spaghetti strap top while doing my Christmas shopping. LOL. The 1st top that caught my eye said "One Hot Mama", then I saw this
Most Malaysian's don't even know what MILF means. Just imagine what the Americans and Europeans will think when they see Malaysian women walking around with tops like that. Will they receive any indecent proposals??? LOL.
See what I said about most Malaysians not knowing what it means? hehe. Had to go Wiki the answer. That's y I reckon lotsa women are wearing that top without even knowing what it means. They will get a shock if they know the true meaning. LOL.
hahahaha...bad uncle...
mostly people who knows the meaning usually have seen it..haha..
U know it too........... hehehe.
Mom I'd like to fuxk?
I get it from wiki
See what I said about most Malaysians not knowing what it means? hehe. Had to go Wiki the answer. That's y I reckon lotsa women are wearing that top without even knowing what it means. They will get a shock if they know the true meaning. LOL.
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